19Mar, 2023

P-22 Day in Griffith Park

We had a wonderful time working with the Friends of Griffith Park during the P-22 Day Festival in 2022, painting on prepped paper with families and artists of all ages! 108 paintings were sent home [...]

19Mar, 2023

2 Silver Lake Events in 2021

We set up the yarn coffin installation for two events in 2021: a group show, DulcePalloza (with the theme of "COLOR and LIFE after a year of COVID lockdown")  at The Neutra Gallery in May, [...]

2Nov, 2019

Dia de los Muertos 2019

The 24th Street Dia de los Muertos festival is a wonderful free neighborhood-family gathering, 4.5 hours filled with food and crafts and dancing and music... we draped our altar fabric up on canopy and tree [...]

30Aug, 2019

West Adams Avenues Jazz Fest   We had a great time painting with everyone over on the Avenues during the music fest this year, creating big bold shapes across the 5 lines of a musical staff on a colorful [...]

20Aug, 2019

Spirits @ Edinburgh Festival Fringe   The Scroll of Japanese Yokai and Korean Dokkaebi Spirits description: In Scotland, Edinburgh FringeFest attendees and participants alike collaborated on our Scroll of Japanese Yokai and Korean Dokkaebi Spirits artwork during the vast Edinburgh Festival Fringe! 9.5 [...]

16Mar, 2019

The St. Patrick’s Deer

Yes, it's a St. Patrick's Deer! Painted by a crew including MadelineW and TonyaJ and GlenyS....

2Nov, 2018

Dia de los Muertos @ 24th Street Festival

The annual Day of the Dead event took place in the streets of the University Park area near USC and downtown Los Angeles, as local community members wrote letters and painted pictures on long [...]

1Nov, 2018

Nativity Cutouts for a Posada

Larger than life face-hole cutouts recreating the Christmas Nativity served as inviting props for participants to photograph themselves as the characters of the Three Wise Men, Mary, Joseph, and an attendant shepherd, for a [...]

22Sep, 2018

LA County Fair Portal Painting

We collaborated with Shared_Studios facilitators who were managing a Shared_Studios Portal project which connects communities around the world through interactive technology. Transforming a shipping container into an art studio at the Los Angeles County Fair [...]

2Jun, 2018

St. Sebastian @ Sound Pedro

The scenic skyline of the San Pedro ports was the backdrop for a collaborative project with live musicians Doug Bland and Tom Penrod of The Dirty Chaps, at the former Army barracks site located throughout [...]

27May, 2018

HAAT 2018

The Humanitas Academy of Art and Technology (HAAT) at Estaban E. Torres High School invited us back for the 4th year to their Open House day in East Los Angeles. Approximately 45 students, teachers and family [...]

10Mar, 2018

Getty Center on the Hill

One in a series of altered scrolls, a painted diagram of Getty Center horizontal cut-away view of the famous grounds on the top of the hill. Approx. 25 J. Paul Getty Trust staff alumni added [...]

18Feb, 2018

Year of the Dog

A series of 4 altered Japanese scrolls was created in celebration of Chinese New Year, on February 8, 2018, the Year of the Dog. 5 visual collaborators were accompanied by 5 singalong artists, who cut [...]

28Oct, 2017

2017 Dia de los Muertos altar

Last year at Hollywood Forever Cemetery's Dia de los Muertos festival, painting skeletons and skulls and warm loving goodbyes to friends and family on a big fabric altar #86. This year in honor of the [...]

3Jun, 2017

Sound Pedro 2017

In June, Urban Crop Circle created a book-scroll in conjunction with sound artists The Dirty Chaps, at 2017 sound art festival Sound Pedro, held at Angel's Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro. Working on the [...]

10Mar, 2017

We Watch and We Vote

Developed a web site promoting political collaborative efforts: WeWatchandWeVote

2Dec, 2016

Art Basil LA

Urban Crop Circle sponsored the Salon du Urban Crop Circle, a very small public painting project at Art Basil LA 2016, hosted by Mr. let's Paint, John Kilduff, in his backyard (article on Art and [...]

26Nov, 2016

Art Book Abandonment

Abandoning a treasure trove of art books, across Los Angeles. 30 books and continuing. In conjunction with the Art Abandonment project and Flood the Streets with Art day.

29Oct, 2016

2016 Dia de los Muertos altar

At Hollywood Forever Cemetery's Dia de los Muertos festival, painting skeletons and skulls and warm loving goodbyes to friends and family on a big fabric altar #86. 9 coordinating artists (MargaretK, BeatrixZ, GlenyS, MarquitaT, AnnZ [...]

10Sep, 2016

Ohio River Sternwheel Festival

Collaborative painting in Marietta Ohio during their annual Ohio River Sternwheel Festival. Prepped the length of paper scroll to with blue/green watercolor and we painted a river together! Scroll rolls up and lives inside a [...]

10Jun, 2016

Mixed/Remixed Festival

A big book painted at the July 2016 Mixed/Remixed festival, held at the Japanese American National Museum in downtown LA! The folded scroll inside was gold-on-black at one end, blending to black-on-white on the other [...]

28May, 2016

HAAT High School 2016

May 2016, the Humanitas Academy of Art & Technology at Esteban E. Torres High School in East Los Angeles again asked us to coordinate their open house public painting event. We created a big book, and folded their collaborative [...]

22Mar, 2016

The Dublin Lamp

March 2016: We pulled out our sumi ink and brushes and painted this washi paper lamp in Dublin Ireland....

24Oct, 2015

Hollywood Forever’s Dia de los Muertos 2015

Oct 24, 2015 -  Saturday 12noon to 12midnight Come and be a dead person in our awesome yarn coffin, at Hollywood Forever Cemetery's Dia de los Muertos festival, tomorrow Saturday! We'll be at Altar space [...]

3Oct, 2015

Altadena Best Fest

Big Book Painting Fun on a beautifully sunny day in Altadena for their Best Fest.... 2 artist coordinators; 202 collaborative artists! 40 feet of folded pages on one long scroll. In partnership with Sharon Ward, [...]

16Aug, 2015

Sunday Streets SF

For San Francisco's Sunday Streets program, tacked drawing paper down onto the asphalt of the Tenderloin District, and painted a vibrant portrait of the town with approx. 70 kids and families and local shopkeepers! Thanks [...]

14Aug, 2015

Oakland Scrolls

We joined the Oakland Museum of California Art for their Friday Nights event, only we neglected to tell them, so they kicked us out. We moved half a block down the street and painted with [...]

24May, 2015

Vivid Sydney Australia

Painted on 3 bright Japanese Washi paper lamps at the 2015 Vivid Sydney Festival in Sydney Australia; we were right near the ferry docks and got lots of attention! Thanks much to SueK, AureliaK, WallisB, [...]

19May, 2015

HAAT 2015

The Humanitas Academy of Art & Technology at Esteban E. Torres High School in East Los Angeles again requested we coordinate a public painting event at the school's open house. 2 coordinating artists (YoungS and JohnM). 80-100 collaborative artists. [...]

18May, 2015

Auckland Art Gallery’s Billy Apple Show

Guerilla-attempt at joining Billy Apple mega-exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki in New Zealand. Was assigned a spot in the Cafe... with very little pass-through traffic. 7 artist collaborators, 1 agreeable cafe manager, [...]

15May, 2015

Christchurch, NZ

Christchurch NZ, hard hit by two earthquakes 2010 and 2011. Their center of town is completely destroyed and there's tons of new building and renovation development projects, huge cranes, empty buildings, temporary structures, [...]

28Mar, 2015

Artizen Sheet Music with the Music Center

Three coordinating artists (JohnM, YoungS, AnnZ) worked closely with the Music Center Education Department in LA, to present an experiental event for their 2015 Downtown BookFest, held in Grand Park. Long scroll of pages folded [...]

5Mar, 2015

From Her @ Pico House

An installation of a large tree painting for the "From Her" group show; public collaborators paint with branches and rip the paper and paste it onto the root system below. Initial artist coordinators: Young Summers [...]

1Nov, 2014

Dia de los Muertos Fabric Altar 2014

Hollywood Forever Cemetery's Dia de los Muertos festival in 2014: 12 hours, over 2000 collaborative artists, 35 brushes and only two broken brushes, at Altar #86! Coordinators and skeleton panel artists: Gleny Schultz, Beatrix Zilanskas, [...]

28Oct, 2014

An Altar to the Comfort Women

For the Sacred Memories 2014 group exhibition, an installation of our Comfort Women painting, watched over by Dokkebi monsters painted by the general public at Perform Chinatown. This altar was placed on the wall, and [...]

5Oct, 2014

Straight Line Obstacle Course!

166 participants, drawing lines as straight as they can, on a 50 foot length of blue paper. End result is a river of activity, mirroring the excitement of the motion of bicycles taking [...]

26Jul, 2014

Perform Chinatown 2014

On a long scroll of brown kraft paper, Urban Crop Circle [Young Summers, Ann Zumwinkle & team] created individual personal "Dokkaebi" goblins, painting jointly with festival attendees, who then wore their own Dokkaebi scrolls on their [...]

28Jun, 2014

Artists’ Books and Cookies

The LA Times Festival of Books @ USC book was displayed at the Artists' Books and Cookies group show, held at Ooga Twooga gallery in East Downtown LA.  (It sat on the fragile books table.) [...]

15Jun, 2014

UCC Postcards

Made some postcard sets for an Indie-Go-Go event fundraiser!

15May, 2014

HAAT 2014

The Humanitas Academy of Art & Technology at Esteban E. Torres High School in East Los Angeles asked us to coordinate a public painting event at the school's open house. 2 coordinating artists (AnnZ and YoungS). Approx. 50 collaborative [...]

15May, 2014

POSTER ROAST: Robbie Conal Posters

[ May 12 to 27, 2014 ] Opening (surprise) event: Thursday May 15, 6pm-9pm Michael Dooley's review/interview of the Poster Roast show in Print Magazine blog. Images of Exhibition Opening by Jeff Tsuji Once upon [...]

22Apr, 2014

LA Times’ Festival of Books at USC

Collaborative Sumi Ink painting! On a warm April weekend, 2,900 attendees jointly painted on a long 110' accordioned scroll that was pulled out of [...]

21Apr, 2014

CicLAvia Bike Path (Wilshire and Western)

Still working with Sumi Ink Club's basic concept of a single medium (sumi ink) and one single sheet of community paper/canvas ,initially adding bike tire marks to huge scroll at Wilshire and Western during CicLAvia [...]

17Jan, 2014

Bike Art Show @ Dairy Arts Center in Boulder

[ December 5 2013 - January 17 2014 ] Our collaboratively-painted scroll from the recent CicLAvia event went on display at a Bike Art group exhibition, and won an Honorable Mention for Community Projects. Presented by [...]

6Oct, 2013

Sumi Ink Club at CicLAvia (Little Tokyo)

The Big Draw LA @ CicLAvia w/the Sumi Ink Club (Young Summers & Ann Zumwinkle) On October 6, 2013 during the City of Los Angeles' recent CicLAvia biking event over 280 participants jumped off their [...]

5Oct, 2013

Soundwalk 2013

An interactive projection for The Dirty Chaps at SoundWalk 2013 in Long Beach. Artwork by Young Summers, animation by Ann Zumwinkle. Silhouettes of swimming fish during presentation provided by kids willing to run between the [...]

21Sep, 2013

Comfort Women installation

Political Installation in a downtown Long Beach window, in partnership with the Long Beach Arts Association A painting on 4 scrolls by Young Summers and Ann Zumwinkle. During exhibit period, window broken at night; unsure [...]

21Jun, 2013

CicLAvia (at Wilshire and Western)

Across the street from the Wiltern, at CicLAvia. Thanks to SheilaO, JoeJ, ShaneS, MarkP and LaurenP for coming and posing, along with other biking strangers who stopped by....

9Dec, 2012

Mulholland “Derive” (LA Road Concerts)

Painting portraits with the general public, up on Mulholland Drive for the with Stephan Van Dyck's Mulholland "Derive" LA Road Concert (until we were kicked out by the National Park Service, durn!). Young Summers and [...]

21Oct, 2012

Interactive GoldBug for SoundWalk 2012

Visual interactive projection for The Dirty Chaps at Soundwalk 2012 in Long Beach, involving gold and bugs and goldbugs. Includes an embedded poem, The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service, in its entirety. [...]